Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Music in the Afro Brazilian Religion Candomble Research Paper - 1

Music in the Afro Brazilian Religion Candomble - Research Paper Example This "Music in the Afro Brazilian Religion Candomble" essay outlines the characteristics of Brazilian religion. The features included in the religion include vigorous rituals and music that are very imperative in its development. The Capoeira is one recognized art in the Afro Brazilian setting that has the combination of music and dance. The specific ritual is martial art created in Brazil by slaves of the African continent and characterized by very fast and swift moves that are rather complex for anyone not well trained to comprehend. The power exerted in the dance is vast and thus for a person to perform the art well, strength is an important factor. One of the instruments used in the Capoeira is the berimbau. The instrument has its importance in that it brings out the rhythm of the songs in performance. Rhythm is an integral part of the ritual and without it; there can be no sense of dance in the music played in the Capoeira. The berimbau is not the only instrument played in the Capoeira but rather one of a set. The set is arranged in a row where there are three berimbeu, an agogo and two pendeiros (Rohrig 167). The full formation of the set is very important in that each of the instruments has a role that it plays in the completion of a perfect Candomble dance. All the instruments are supposed to follow the formation of the rhythm of the berimbau. The songs played in the Capoeira have different themes and purposes. There are also the songs played in various games in an effort to boost the morale of the players.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Peer to Peer Networking In Business Research Paper - 1

Peer to Peer Networking In Business - Research Paper Example Peer to Peer Networking in Business Chapter 1 Introduction Background Peer to peer networks have attracted a significant amount of attention in the press as popular network architecture and this brings the need for a clear understanding of this application. Peer to peer (P2P) technology has seen an increase in usage since 21st century with both beneficial and destructive practices depending on which end of technology one is at. Millions of people are routinely trading in this digital in search of audio files, video, software, music games, and movies thanks to P2P technology. The increase in demand of the users and businesses is initiating the need for exploring the ways in which this digital content can best satisfy human wants in business to achieve maximum profitability. It is clear that p2p systems can either create or destroy huge amounts of contents depending on various conditions of use during file sharing process thus should be monitored keenly. The technology is beneficial to business development and application due to good profit returns and the ease associated with it use. P2P file sharing is important application in the conventional world following office application and business ethics in terms of benefits for business ideas and business ethics in terms of infringement of other people’s rights. ... Moreover, this technology can also be used in business to lower the cost of computing power following its capacity to enable parallel processing of information. Since this is a new technology in business, it has its pros and cons considering the nature of its application that is unique to business. Legally, the issue of copyright infringement has been the debate concerning P2P, application that is viewed by some law enforcers to be copyright infringement. Statement of the problem A number of businesses are in the verge of boosting their sales and efficiency of their business models to achieve good profits and this call for technology application. This has prompted some business owners to apply the best and latest techniques in business application, which includes P2P networking in business to enable them, compete profitable with other firms. The increased application of P2P technology has seen many business firms on the wrong side of the law and thus the aim of research is to establi sh whether businesses are comfortable with P2P technology. Purpose of the study The legal and ethical issues, which arises from the continuous use of P2P technology needs a careful study aimed in justifying the application and the use of this new technology in business networking. The business people need to get approval from research if the benefit of P2P application outweighs loses so that they can continue with its application. Hypothesis The review of related literature shows that there is less need collaboration between the business owners, copyright owners and the legal fraternity. The collaboration should be aimed at enabling business owners to make profits using P2P in such a way