Thursday, January 2, 2020

Globalization And Its Impact On Culture And Identity

The United States prevails as an ever-evolving, unique amalgamation of people, cultures, and influences. Due to the growth of technology use in the world, globalization, the process of interaction and integration among people, is spreading rapidly (What Is Globalization?†). Historically, people have often identified in a collective way in order to associate with a group, culture, or individual (Miladinovic). However, nowadays, this form of identification cannot be used as people are changing the way with they identify with others, due to the considerable influence of globalization. Though typically used as an economic term, globalization is characterized through a multitude of other factors as well. The onset of globalization has especially influenced culture and identity, most pivotally through industrialization. When smaller cultures are forced to urbanize as a result of globalization, people question modern culture and may even culturally re-evaluate their own culture. As a result, people often abandon their traditional cultures in favor of a conforming to homogeneous mainstream ‘American culture’. In turn with this, psychologically, people impacted by globalization become uncertain of their identity, not knowing which culture to claim: that of their ancestors or that of mainstream American culture. Consequently, people have started to distinguish themselves in a whole new way: through either self-made cultures or through the adoption of a blend of traditional and newShow MoreRelated Impact of Globalization on Mexican Culture and Identity Essay2062 Words   |  9 Pagestheir culture, in order, to negotiate these precarious social and historical circumstances. Throughout the ethnic Mexicans cultural history in the United States, conflict and contradiction has played a key role in shaping their modalities of life. Beginning in the late 20th century and early 21st century ethnic Mexicans have come under distress from the force of globalizati on. 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