Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Parent Involvement - 950 Words

I believe parent involvement is the key to changing our communities in the years to come. The more we as parents become involved and show our children that we care, the better off our world will be. The country will benefit as a whole giving every child the opportunity to succeed in such a competitive country. I see a bigger push for parent involvement in charter schools than I see in the traditional schools, but I think this is quickly changing and will catch on quickly in the years to come. As stated by the Michigan Department of Education, the most effective forms of parent involvement are those, which engage parents in working directly with their children on learning activities at home. Decades of research show that when parents are†¦show more content†¦We cannot look at the school and the home in isolation from one another; familes and schools need to collaborate to help children adjust to the world of school. This is particularly critical for children from families with different cultural and language backgrounds. (California State Board of Education Policy #89-01 states from research studies) Having researched this and reading it has assured me that the message I try relaying to the families I work with on a daily basis is right on spot. I use both research data as well as life experience in trying to help the families I work with. As I have mentioned in the past. I come from a single parent family with three siblings, raised in a neighborhood plagued with drugs and gang violence and because my mother was involved and believed strongly in education, although she only had up to a fifth grade education, she was able to have all but one of her kids receive a college degree and one complete Law School at Harvard. I was the one who has taken a substantial amount of college courses but has not completed a college degree. In part I think because my priorities as a young man were to earn an honest living to buy those things that I was not able to have as a younger child. I was also that one who had a difficult time with school and studying. I now have that one child who is identi cal to me and both me and my wife try our best to help him as best we can always relaying the message to our children that college is not anShow MoreRelatedDiscussion Research On Parent Involvement Essay805 Words   |  4 Pageson Parent Involvement in Education Before turning to our qualitative study of parent involvement in urban char - ter schools, the following sections outline the prior research on the benefits of parent involvement, the barriers to involvement that exist, and the potential of the charter school context to reduce these barriers. 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