Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Role of Stakeholders free essay sample

?The role of the stakeholders in the implementation of the curriculum is very important. They are the main component in its success. Just like in curriculum planning, the stakeholders themselves are needed to be involved in its creation to ensure that all opinions and suggestions coming from all angles are incorporated in the planning itself. But just like in any other kind of project, for it to be successful, the participants must all be involved. When we say stakeholders, we are talking about the teachers, administrators, non academic and academic personnel, the local government, and the parents. All this group will play a very important role in the effective and successful implementation of the curriculum. The teachers will play a major role in its implementation. They are the frontliners and ground crew in the implementation. They will basically be the one directly implementing the curriculum. Its success will depend on how well the teachers will apply the curriculum. We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Stakeholders or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page With our current educational situation in the Philippines, we can generalize that the teachers has been implementing the curriculum using a variety of strategies and methods. These strategies and methods are dependent on the environment, and the learners condition and situation. The academic and non academic personnel will also need to be part of the implementing body. They will have to be in tuned with the plan. They provide the right environment for learners to learn and make the learning condition more conducive. When we say administrators, we mean the principals, head teachers or school heads. They all play a major part in the implementation. They are the ones providing guidance and are the primary executry and supervisory of the implementation of the curriculum. They provide the right motivation to the teachers and the right guidance and monitoring on the implementation. The local government is equally important as well. They provide the right support in the success of the curriculum. They have a hold of the larger community where the school is based from. Since learning also occurs outside the school, it is vital that the local government provide the right opportunities for the learners and the teachers as well. They can also assist in providing more resources for any projects that would help in the successful implementation of the curriculum. Finally, aside from the learners themselves, the parents will play a big role in the implementation of the curriculum. Like what they always say, learning occurs greatly at home. If parents are aware and would be in full support of the implementation of the curriculum, its success will be greatly felt or manifested through the learners. Technology will also play a vital part in curriculum implementation. All learning occurs successful when given the right strategies and methods. But for methods and strategies to be effective, it needs to be supported with the right technology. Technology will make learning more effective. The use of Computers, multi media, and other modern gadgets will provide learners more perspective. It will also provide teachers more options and techniques when implementing the curriculum. And in all other things, the need for piloting, monitoring and evaluating will be very important in the development and implementation of the curriculum. Using a pilot will provide you with more control on the proper implementation of the curriculum. This will provide more accurate data and what ever needed data. Monitoring will have to be done as well to check the implementation. This will provide the curriculum developers with insight on the result of the implementation, even as early as the first stages of its implementation. Finally, evaluation will provide the right insight on wether the implementation is successful or not. This will provide with the right changes and improvement needed to make the curriculum more successful and tailor fitted for the learners.

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